
Bobby Jo #1 - a NSFW, grindhouse comic series

Created by Bobby Jo

Take a joyride with a short-tempered redhead who moonlights as an alien hunter in 70's era Appalachia.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Last shipments on the way out! Now it's time for Bobby Jo #2!
about 1 year ago – Sun, Jun 04, 2023 at 06:59:45 AM

Yep, that's right. The rest of the orders have been shipped and are ready for pick up on Monday. 

Thank you all for the support and we hope y'all enjoyed Issue 1 of our Mountain Mama taking out some extraterrestrial scum. 

So...let's talk about Issue 2 which is releasing in just 1 week. 

We expanded the selection of versions of covers that are available on this campaign, which gives you all even more exclusivity to holofoil and metal covers, which are numbered and limited to the amount ordered on this campaign. 

Before we hand picked certain covers to be holofoil and metal, but now YOU ALL GET TO CHOOSE.

Take a look at the preview and some covers below. 

Oh and here is the pre-launch sign up. 

99% Shipped! Thank you!
about 1 year ago – Sun, May 21, 2023 at 12:39:07 PM

Hey all! We do a have a few surveys that need to be completed still, but we have shipped everything as of today (including international). Thank you all for supporting this book! 

If you haven't already, please check out Roseblood Manor 3 on Kickstarter - we have a few weeks left and some super sexy rewards and stretch goals. 

As for Bobby Jo #2...well...I think we're gonna launch pretty soon. We're about 40% through the book right now and we're going to wait to launch when we're 80% done so we can deliver sooner. But, for now, take a look at this beautiful cover from Zhea. 

90% Shipped Out! International begins now!
about 1 year ago – Thu, May 18, 2023 at 12:27:53 AM

Pretty much says it all in the subject line, gang. 

We've got a lot of packages ready to be picked up tomorrow. 

International will take us this week to complete. After that, we will be ready to launch Bobby Jo #2. 

More info to come, friends! 

Shipping is 80% Complete!
about 1 year ago – Sun, Apr 30, 2023 at 01:14:52 PM

That's riiiiight. We've got 80% of packages that have been shipped or are ready to get picked up tomorrow to be shipped. Whew! 

Appreciate your all's support and patience as always. 

Issue 2 is making progress! And we have more covers coming in that we can't wait to show you. Next update will be when we're 100% complete on shipping orders. We will share covers and our pre-launch for Issue 2 then. 

Also, just a heads up - AstroWitch #1 and Flickering Lights #2 are currently running on KS! 

False alarm! Holo prints found!
over 1 year ago – Fri, Apr 14, 2023 at 04:29:25 PM

We found em! Shipping will commence.